Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tea Time Part II

Here are someof the non-black teas that I like.

This green tea with jasmine has large leaves and a gorgeous flavour, much nicer than the commercial dilmah/twinings/lipton green tea varieties.

I usually just put half a teaspoon straight into cup or sometimes use a teapot.

This is tea for when I want to feel smug and virtuous that my hot beverage is SO much healthier than anyone else's hot beverage. It tastes quite good too and is nice cold.

I also have their decaf version of this one.

Some twinings herbal teas, they are nice hot or cold. Both the lemon twist and Rasberry and peach are rosehip and hibiscus with the fruit added as well.

I have to be in the mood for the peppermint, I always feel like I am drinking diluted mouthwash a little...

This nerada tea is actually quite good. The nerada black teas are absolute rubbish but this has a nice flavour and is quite strong.

Once again, good hot or cold.

This is my favourite when I feel sick or have a sore throat.

It is instant ginger tea. I buy it from my asian grocer. Not too sweet or too "hot" from the ginger.

And last but not least, here is some lemongrass tea that I get from the healthfood store. It is reshreshing and mild and I have this during the day if I don't want anything caffeinated but still want a hot drink.

It takes a little longer to steep than other teas, I usually leave it for up to 10 mins.

Well thats it, if anyone wants to send me some samples of teas to try I am more than willing to help!!

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