Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Arts with Undomestic Godess

I have been to the movies the last three weekends in a row and have seen:

My year without sex: an aussie movie, thought it would be a comedy based on the trailers I had seen. The main character had a brain aneurysm in the first 10 minutes. And had the same first name as me. The family in the movie were strugglesville and the couples marriage was disintegrating...umm a couple of funny moments, but in all quite depressing!

Sunshine Cleaning: For a movie about 2 sisters who clean up crime scenes, suicides and deceased estates this was actually quite good, helped by the great actors in it; Emily Blunt, Amy Adams and the hilarious as always Alan Arkin.... love him! Good movie!

Samson and Delilah: another aussie film and also ridiculously depressing. Film started off with Samson sniffing glue and entire film revolved around scenes of petrol and glue sniffing and Aboriginal people bashing eachother. Horrible. I spent the whole movie squirming in my seat. Depressing not only for the content but the fact that the film has had so much publicity (It won the Camera D'Or for best first feature film at Cannes earlier this year) and people in other countries may think a) this is representative of Aboriginal culture in Australia and b) people in Australia don't care. It was confronting without being thought provoking and I wish I hadn't seen it!

On a lighter note, everyone reading this needs to go out and buy this:

I am not really a big mayo fan (apart from kewpie on my sushi) but this is to die for. Tastes like fresh made restuarant aioli. Also as it is Paul Newman, I figure it fits in with the movie theme??

Bought some books on the weekend too:

This is a classic reference. It is a bit of a hard plough as I am used to having pretty pictures but it is a great book detailing french cooking styles, equipment as well as many recipes. I now know why so many chefs cite Elizabeth David as one of the most influential chefs/cooks of the modern era.

This book is hilarious, witty and with biting satire. A great read. I particularly liked his description of the avocado with its reptilian skin and the stone which he pictures whenever "ovum" is mentioned. Also a boyhood crush on the woman on the packet of quality street chocolates, the decline of tinned soup and the horror of horrors: the gastropub....

Today I made some semi-dried tomatos to have with my salads for lunch during the week. Just quartered some romas sprinkled with olive oil and sea salt and put in oven at 80 deg for 5 hours.
They were pretty yummy, next time I will make a bigger batch then puree to make a really rich tomato sauce.
Thats all, I have crumble in the oven, will post later tonight!

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