I should be bouncing off the walls with health this evening; I have been eating vegies all day which wasn't a hard task as I love vegies Well, apart from an aversion to the frozen mixed vegetables I was given occaisionally as a child: what were those strange little white cubes?
This was my lunch today in an effort to be healthy; salad made with five bean mix, tomato, cucumber, capsicum and red onion with olive oil and red wine vinegar. Tasted good and a bit different to my usual leafy lunch salads.

For dinner tonight I made some roast vegies (mushroom, garlic, red onion, zucchini, aubergine) and served with some quinoa with tomota and shallots (this is underneath; forgot to take a pic of this). Quinoa could easily be one of my favourite starchy side dishes and I like my carbs alot! It has a yummy slightly nutty flavour and is fluffy unless overcooked: I have done this a couple of times!

OK, here is a bit of a failure in cooking... I tried to make panna cotta after having some at Vivaldi early last week. Ummm. Mine wasn't nearly as good. It didn't even look as good. My problem was that after reading some recipes I realised that it was pretty much pure cream or half cream and half full cream milk. So I took it upon myself to make it with less sugar and using low fat milk and no cream. It tasted a little bit bland but the main problem was the texture, a bit sloppy and the fact that the vanilla seeds had settled on the bottom of the mould instead of being dispersed through the panna cotta. I think I will try again with the low fat milk and increase the gelatine and if it still fails I will give up! I served my messy version with black cherries.

To end with something a little more attractive here is an apron I made a few weeks ago.

I love it and sometimes wear it over my flannelette pjs with ugg boots even though it would probably be more at home over one of my flared skirt sundresses and heels.
Good night, happy cooking and eating!